Julie's Professional Societies

Dr. Julie Kendall's key memberships (in alphabetical order) include:

Academy of Management, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)

Association for Information Systems (AIS)

Decision Sciences Institute (DSI)

International Federation of Information Processing (IFIP) WG 8.2.

Northeast Decision Sciences Institute (NEDSI)

Dr. Kendall notes that many of the best times she has had, and many of the most enduring relationships she has built with colleagues and mentors, have been brought about through membership in professional societies. Happily, current membership fees for students are extremely low. Dr. Kendall's key memberships (in alphabetical order) include: Academy of Management, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), Association for Information Systems (AIS), where she served as director of the MIS Camp at AMCIS for five conferences; Decision Sciences Institute (DSI), in which she has chaired several committees and held officer positions including Treasurer and Vice President; and International Federation of Information Processing (IFIP) WG 8.2.

Julie served as Chair of IFIP WG 8.2 from 2002-2005. She is also active in ICIS, a premier IS conference managed by the professional society, Association for Information Systems (AIS), where she has served as a track chair, presenter, discussant, session chair, and Co-Director of the ICIS Junior Faculty Consortium.

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Ken's Courses






302 IT Project Management


335 Systems Analysis & Design


343 Managing Emerging IT


445 Global Issues in Ecommerce Technology


510 Managing Information Technology & resources


511 Analysis and Design of Webibased Systems


513 Emerging Information Technologies


514 Ecommerce Project Management


Julie's Courses






302 IT Project Management


334 Management Information Systems


335 Systems Analysis & Design


445 Global Issues in Ecommerce Technology


510 Managing Information Technology & Resources


511 Analysis & Design of Web-based Systems


515 Seminar in Global Ecommerce Policy


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